La Cúspide del Tedio desde 2011®

La Cúspide del Tedio desde 2011®
La Cúspide del Tedio desde 2011®

domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

nariz de azúcar

-You have to carry the fire.
-I don´t know how to.
-Yes you do.
-Is it real? The fire?
-Yes it is.
-Where is it? I don´t know where it is.
-Yes you do. It´s inside you. It was always there. I can see it.

The Road
Cormac McCarthy

I love you Sofi
I have to tell you that at least
once a day,
´cause you´re unique.
I have to walk
because it´s necessary
without worrying about it
´cause we´re just human beings
trying to do their best effort.
I have to think of you
because every single day counts.

Te amo.